
3D Landscape Design & Visualization Software published and supported by AlphaPixel

Getting Started with VNS 3: Fields & Forest
Getting Started with VNS 3: Fields & Forest

Part 5H. Foliage Effects

1. A Foliage Effect is used to place individual Foliage Objects. Go to the Scene-at-a-Glance, right-click the Foliage Effect category, and Create Component of this type with path or vector. This accomplishes the same thing as the Create button on the icon toolbar.

A software interface shows a dropdown menu with multiple options, including "Create Component of this type with path or vector" highlighted. Various ecosystem categories are listed on the left panel.

2. The Create window will confirm that we’re creating a new Foliage Effect with an attached vector.

Screenshot of a software interface for creating a new foliage effect with an attached vector. It includes sections for Summary, Mouse, Conform, and Vector Appearance, detailing various attributes and settings.

3. Turn to the Mouse page, select Connect, and change the Point Space to 10 meters. This will automatically generate vertices every 10 meters.

Dialog box titled "Create a new Foliage Effect with an attached Vector" offering options for drawing methods and point spacing in meters (10m). Choices include Single, Connect, and Sketch.

4. Left-click a starting point on the left side of the YNP Main view and left-click an end point on the right side. Right-click to finish.

A computer-generated scene showing a vast, green grassy field with scattered trees and a layered hill in the background. A computer interface with toolbar icons is visible at the top of the image.

5. Name the vector and Foliage Effect Tree Break.

Dialog box titled "Input Request" prompting to enter a name for a new object. "Tree Break" is typed in the text field, with a cursor clicking the "OK" button, and a "Cancel" button beside it.

6. Add the vector to the Foliage Effect and close out the Component Gallery when it opens.

Dialog box with the message: "Add Tree Break (Vector) to Tree Break (Foliage Effect)?" and two buttons labeled "OK" and "Cancel.

7. In the Foliage Effect Editor, go to the Foliage page and Settings tab. Change the Absolute Size is in to Foliage Group.

Screenshot of software window titled "Foliage Effect Editor - Tree Break" with tabs for General, Settings, and Parameters. Options include "Ectype," "Foliage Group," and size settings for trees.

8. Add Foliage Group, and name it anything. The name will be overwritten when we load the Component.

Screenshot of the Foliage Effect Editor with options to select and load foliage, enable a group, and adjust group max height, min height, and density.

9. Select Load Foliage Group

Screenshot of the Foliage Effect Editor window, showing tabs and options to set absolute size, second size, and size method for foliage effects. A tooltip displays "Add Foliage Group...".

10. Go to the Tutorials page and load the Pine Snags Component we created in an earlier tutorial.

A screenshot of a software interface displaying a "Component Gallery" with tabs labeled General, Small Plant, Flower, and Golf. A tooltip for "Pine Snags" has detailed metadata about the component.

11. Save the project and render a preview.

A digital rendering shows a grassy landscape with rows of tree stumps and a terraced hillside in the background under a clear sky.

12. Switch the YNP Main view back to realtime mode.

Screenshot of a 3D simulation showing a row of trees on a green landscape with hills and a blue sky in the background. The top menu bar is visible with various icons. Text at the top reads "YNP Main.

13. By default, Foliage Effects have realtime Preview Enabled.

Screenshot of the Foliage Effect Editor window with options for setting tree break parameters, including the Name field, Enabled and Preview Enabled checkboxes, Base Elevation settings, and Vector Placement details.
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