
3D Landscape Design & Visualization Software published and supported by AlphaPixel


Part 2B. Previewing Animation with Quick Sequence

Part 2A. Animating the Camera
Getting Started with VNS 3: Animation Basics

Part 2B. Previewing Animation with Quick Sequence

1. To save a series of realtime animation frames to disk, open the Main Camera view popup menu and select Make Quick Sequence.

A dropdown menu with options including "Dock," "View," "Make Quick Sequence," and others. A cursor is pointing at "Make Quick Sequence.

2. Navigate to the WCSFrames folder, name the sequence Main, and Save.

A save dialog window titled "Save Quick Sequence" displays with three files listed and the file name set to "Main." A cursor points to the "Save" button.

3. The animation will play slowly in the camera view and the Status window will show the Quick Sequence progress as the frames are saved.

A software toolbar with a "Quick Sequence" label, a progress bar partially filled in blue, and a red 'X' button on the right side.

Take Heed!

The Quick Sequence reads off active OpenGL buffers, that is, what’s visible on the screen. Don’t open or switch to another application until the process is completed.

4. After VNS is finished, go up to the menu and select View > View Image > From Disk.

A software interface displaying a dropdown menu with image-related options, and a sub-menu option highlighted under "View Image" labeled "From Disk..." with a cursor pointing to it.

5. The View Image File requester will open in the last folder we were in, WCSFrames. There will be 601 numbered Main frames. We’ll use QuickTimePro to assemble the frames into an animation. It’s an inexpensive tool with a good feature set. If you’d prefer to use another tool you’re familiar with, assemble the frames into an animation and rejoin us at Step 14.

Image file browser window displaying a directory with multiple .bmp files, showing files like "Main001.bmp" and "Island00000.bmp". Options to navigate and select files are on the left panel.

6. Launch QuickTimePro and select File > Open Image Sequence.

A computer screen displaying a program's File menu open, with the "Open Image Sequence..." option highlighted, suggesting a selection by a mouse cursor over the blue-highlighted option.

7. Navigate to your WCSFrames folder and select the first Main bitmap, Main0000.bmp. Change the frame rate to 30 frames per second and click Open to import the frame sequence.

A file open dialog box shows a directory with several image files named Main0000.bmp to Main0015.bmp. The frame rate is set to 30 frames per second. The file type is set to Image Files.

8. To save the movie, choose File > Export.

A media player's "File" menu is open, highlighting the "Export..." option. The window displays a landscape with mountainous terrain and a utility pole. Control buttons are located at the bottom.

9. Name the movie MainOpenGL. Let’s check the Options and make sure they’re appropriate for animation.

A dialog box for saving an exported file, showing a directory with multiple image files. The save file name is "MainOpenGL_mov" and the export option is "Movie to QuickTime Movie".

10. In the Movie Settings window, select Settings.

Screenshot of a "Movie Settings" dialog box displaying video and sound settings. Options include video compression (H.264), quality, key frame rate, audio format, channels, and internet streaming preparation.

11. Choose the Animation Compression Type, Key Frames every 30 frames, and Best Quality.

Screenshot of the Standard Video Compression Settings window showing options for motion, frame rate, key frames, data rate, compression type, depth, and quality.

12. OK to set the Movie Settings.

Screenshot of Movie Settings window showing video and sound settings, and an option for internet streaming. Buttons labeled "Settings," "Filter," and "Size" are present. "OK" and "Cancel" buttons are at the bottom.

13. Save the movie.

A "Save exported file as" dialog box shows the directory "W:/CS/frames" with several files listed. "MainOpenGL.mov" is the selected file name. The "Save as type" is set to "All Files (*.*)".
A window titled "Export Progress" shows the file "MainOpenGL.mov" being exported. The progress bar is partly filled with a label indicating 27% completion.

14. When QuickTime finishes exporting the movie, open it to see the assembled OpenGL sequence. It’s on the VNS 3 DVD in the animation folder.

A computer-generated image of a mountainous landscape with a single metal high-voltage transmission tower in the foreground, displayed within a video player interface.

15. Play the animation. The camera path looks good, so we’re ready to continue. It’s a good idea to preview your camera moves this way before committing to long render times later on.

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