Part 8. VNS Export
The VNS export option is only available in VNS.
Screen captures are from VNS 3.
1. Open the Atlantis project from the WCSProjects\SX folder on your hard drive. Save the project as AtlantisVNS.
2. Go to the Render Task Mode in the Scene-at-a-Glance and add a Scene Exporter Component.
3. Name it VNS and change the Output Format to VNS. Edit Exports\AtlantisVNS in the Output File field to read VNS\AtlantisVNS. This will create an VNS folder in the SX project folder to hold the exported files. Temporary files will be saved in an Exports folder.
4. Go to the Terrain page. Choose Geographic – WGS 84 from the Coordinate System dropdown list.
5. We’ll export the entire scene with one DEM object with 340 Columns and Rows. That will give us a grid cell size of about 3 meters.
6. The VNS format does not have any LOD options.
7. Turn to the Texture page. This controls the texture draped on the terrain. The Image Format field also applies to the sky texture. Increase the Columns and Rows to 1024. This will give us a terrain texture resolution of about 1 meter per image pixel.
8. The Foliage, Sky, and Misc page defaults will work fine for this tutorial.
9. Go to the Misc2 page Cameras section and select the Theater Camera. Select the Afternoon Light and deselect Export Haze.
10. Return to the General page and Export Scene Now.
11. This will open the VNS Export Control window. Go to start exporting.
12. VNS will ask you to confirm the creation of new directories in the SX project folder. You won’t get the WCSProjects:SX\Exports window if you’ve already done other Scene Express tutorials.
13. VNS Export Control will let you know when export is complete.
14. Your WCSProjects\SX\VNS\AtlantisVNS folder contains all the exported data files.
15. Here’s what the VNS project Theater camera looks like rendered in VNS 3.
16. Exported files from this tutorial are in the WCSProjects\SX\Tutorial Output\VNS folder on the VNS 3 DVD. The completed project file is in the WCSProjects\SX\Tutorial Projects folder on your hard drive.
Produced by Scott Cherba for 3DNature