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3D Landscape Design & Visualization Software published and supported by AlphaPixel


Part 7D. Overlapping Terraffectors

Getting Started with VNS 3: Roads & Buildings
Getting Started with VNS 3: Roads & Buildings

Part 7D. Overlapping Terraffectors

1. Let’s add a dirt road to take us into the development. Go to the Terrain Task Mode, right-click Terraffectors, and Add Component from Gallery.

A screenshot of Visual Nature Studio 3.0 showing the menu for adding a component from the gallery under the "Area Terraffectors" category, with a 3D landscape model visible in the background.

2. Load Dirt Road from the Component Gallery.

Screenshot of a software interface displaying various terrain and road textures including a 2-lane highway, asphalt path, barge canal, dirt lane, dirt path, cycle track, and others.

3. Go with the default Ecosystem Elevation scaling option.

A dialog box titled "Load Terraffector" asks if the user wants to scale elevation lines to current DEM elevations, noting it won't affect Terraffectors rendering but may affect Ecosystems use. Options are Yes and No.

4. Add the Cabin Road vector to the Dirt Road Terraffector and confirm.

Dialog box titled "Dirt Road (Terraffectror)" asking to add Cabin Road (Vector) to Dirt Road (Terraffectror), with options "OK" and "Cancel". A cursor points to the "OK" button.

5. Save the project and render a Cabin Plan preview.

A computer-generated image of a cabin plan showing a winding path on a green field with a road leading to it, surrounded by a forested area.

6. Activate the Road view and render a preview. There are 2 functions of a Terraffector: to modify terrain and render Ecosystems. In the Road view you can see the interplay of both functions. Terrain-wise, the 2 Lane Highway Terraffector cuts into the Dirt Road. On the Ecosystem front, the Dirt Road Ecosystems are rendering on top of the 2 Lane Highway.

A computer-generated image of a road ending abruptly with a red and white striped barrier blocking further passage, set in a sparsely vegetated landscape with a forest in the background.

7. Let’s look at the terrain issue first. Go to the Dirt Road Terraffector Editor and General page. If you switch between the Dirt Road and 2 Lane Highway, you’ll see they have the same Priority and Evaluation Order. The same Priority allows them to overlap, which is good. The same Evaluation Order means VNS flips a coin to see which affects the terrain last, in this case the 2 Lane Highway. You should never leave Evaluation Orders the same and let VNS roll the dice.

Screenshot of Terraffector Editor in a simulation or design software. The 'Dirt Road' is selected, with options to edit features such as priority, evaluation order, and total effect radius.

8. We want the Dirt Road to fill in the 2 Lane Highway ditch. To make the Dirt Road evaluate last it needs the lowest Evaluation Order. It can’t be less than 1 so go to the 2 Lane Highway and increase its Evaluation Order to 2.

A screenshot of the Terraffector Editor interface showing settings for a 2-lane highway. Options include priority, evaluation order, radius, and vector settings. The "Enabled" box is checked.

9. Save the project and render a preview. The Dirt Road affects the terrain last and fills in the highway ditch. Now for the Ecosystems placed by the two Terraffectors. Notice that the 2 Lane Highway Terraffector’s Asphalt Ecosystem has render priority over the Dirt Road Terraffector’s Gravel. The remaining 2 Lane Highway Ecosystems have a lower priority than the Dirt Road Gravel.

A computer-generated image shows a road abruptly ending with a red and white striped barrier, surrounded by a barren landscape with sparse trees in the background.

10. Go to the 2 Lane Highway Terraffector Editor and Edit Cross-section Profile. Select each of the first three points and you’ll see they have a Priority of 2. The fourth point rendering Gravel has a Priority of 1 and the last two points on the road shoulder have a Priority of 0. Move this profile to one side of the screen.

Graphical interface showing a 2-lane highway cross-section profile with various control options for data points, display settings, line properties, and ecosystem selection.

11. Switch to the Dirt Road Terraffector Editor and Edit Cross-section Profile. Click and drag its titlebar to move it away from the other profile. Except for the last point, all nodes have a Priority of 2, the same as the 2 Lane Highway’s Asphalt Ecosystem. Just like Evaluation Order, you should not leave Priority the same for overlapping Terraffector segments unless you don’t care who renders when.


Screenshot of a software interface displaying a cross-section profile of a dirt road, with a graph, control panel, and various adjustable parameters.

12. We’d like the 2 Lane Highway Asphalt Ecosystem to have render priority over everything else. Go to its profile and increase the Priority of each Asphalt segment to 3.

A software interface displaying a graph for a 2 lane highway cross-section profile, with adjustable parameters and settings for editing points, segment data, tension, roughness, and ecosystem type.

13. The 2 Lane Highway Gravel, ShortGrass, and TallGrass Ecosystems should have the lowest priority of all Terraffector-placed Ecosystems. The grass segments already do. Select the Gravel point and change its Priority to 0.

A software interface showing a cross-section profile graph with adjustable points, numerical values, and settings options for Lane Highway (Terraffector). Various control buttons are displayed on the right.

14. We’d like the Dirt Road Gravel Ecosystem to have render priority over the 2 Lane Highway shoulder Ecosystems but not the Asphalt. Go to its profile and change all Priority values to 1 except the last one, which is already 1.

A software interface displaying a cross-section profile graph for a dirt road. Various parameters such as tension, roughness, and ecosystem settings are adjustable through the user interface.

15. Keep the changes to both profiles.

16. Save the project and render a preview.

A computer-generated image of a road ending abruptly with a red and white striped barricade in front of a forested area.
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